Not receiving emailed voicemail message

I am using elastix free pbx and recently I have stopped receiving the voice mail email. I am getting the messages on my phone just not the emails anymore. I have checked all vm settings in extension and general tabs and all is set up correctly with correct email address.
I have noticed some errors in my panel as follows:

Webserver - Error
SSH Server - Warning
Opp Panel - Warning

Your memory_limit, 16M, is set too low and has been increased to 100M. You may want to change this in you php.ini config file
Added 0 minutes ago

Not sure if any of the above errors are the problem however would anyone be able to help as to what the problem might be?

I am having the same problem after upgrading my system. I decided to restore my system from backup within Elastix but now one extension goes to busy when the outgoing message is supposed to play and I cannot get FreePBX to come up. Other than that everything is great :expressionless: