No such command


Apologies if this is simple.

When I try and apply the config I get 'Unknown Error. Please Run: fwconsole reload --verbose ’

When I try and run anything in the CLI I get no such command

I’m obviously missing something really obvious.

I’m on

PBX Version: 16.0.33
PBX Distro: 12.7.8-2302-1.sng7
Asterisk Version:13.38.3

I have rebooted too

Any help would be great

Are you running the correct command in the CLI? would you please post a capture of the command you are running and its output?

I thought I had to just run fwconsole reload --verbose . in the CLI Command box

fwconsole is a shell command, not an Asterisk CLI command.

Me Bad.

I’ve run the command in Putty but it doesn’t help.

[Exception (404)]
Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Pms’A required module might be disa
bled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma
install pms 2) fwconsole ma enable pms

I run the PMS and get

The following error(s) occured:

  • EndPoint Manager module version or higher is required, you have
    Unable to resolve dependencies for module pms

I try and update endpoint as that’s the dependency error and it goes back to the PMS error at the top

What happens if you run fwconsole ma upgradeall?

Is the support for your module up to date? If it’s not, you won’t be able to upgrade it until it is.

You can go to system admin > activation

Under Registered Modules, there is an Expiration Date for the module itself and in parentheses, it should list your date range for the support of that module. Decent chance you just need to pay for that, select update activation, and try updating all of your modules again.

I’m all activated up

Registered Modules

Endpoint Manager

Expiration Date 2044-05-30 (Updates and support until 2021-10-15)


Expiration Date 2044-05-30

[root@freepbx ~]# fwconsole ma upgrade all
No repos specified, using: [commercial,standard] from last GUI settings

all is not a locally installed module, unable to upgrade
Updating Hooks…Done
Chowning directories…
In Self_Helper.class.php line 212:

Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Pms’A required module might be disa
bled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma
install pms 2) fwconsole ma enable pms

moduleadmin [-f|–force] [-d|–debug] [–edge] [–ignorecache] [–stable] [–color] [–skipchown] [-e|–autoenable] [–skipdisabled] [–snapshot SNAPSHOT] [–format FORMAT] [-R|–repo REPO] [-t|–tag TAG] [–skipbreakingcheck] [–sendemail] [–onlystdout] [–] []…

upgradeall needs to be one word.

fwconsole ma upgradeall

The upgradeall went through but kept coming up with

[Exception (404)]
Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Pms’A required module might be disa
bled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma
install pms 2) fwconsole ma enable pms

Still stuck I’m afraid

Sorted it. Very strange, I ended up having to pay for Endpoint even though I already had. When I did I managed to update Endpoint Manager, then the PMS installed ok.

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