No Inbound calls to FreePBX server

I do not even know where the allowlist setup is located? I will post the log. Also I tried changing the port in which I listen on following your directions and I am not having any luck. So I will set everything back to 5060 get this problem figured out and then try again.

Here is the link. Thank you guys for assisting me with this. Im going to look up how to find the allow list

Is DIDWW the same thing as DIDFS? I tried changing the listening ports again with no success. I posted the logs. My allowlist was not set. I still get invites on sngrep however inbound calls immediately hang up no matter which phone I call from.

Is DIDWW the same thing as DIDFS? I tried changing the listening ports again with no success. I posted the logs. My allowlist was not set. I still get invites on sngrep however inbound calls immediately hang up no matter which phone I call from.

UPDATE*****I checked the allowlist which is empty and added my phone number and the call went through. I just need to disable the allowlist function somehow just as Stewart1 mentioned. Should I update all the modules first before trying to disable it (wondering if running prior updates may have caused this problem)?
Thanks to all you guys taking your time to assist me with this and providing me with a thought process to explore. If anyone knows how to disable the allowlist please let me know. Thanks again!

I figured out how to disable the allowlist (Admin>Allowlist>Settings>allow all calls-yes; pause allowlist-yes. All is well and working now. I would now like to work on which port my pbx listens on. Thanks everyone for the assistance

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