No Call history in SuiteCRM

No call history after installing the package in SuiteCRM. The page is blank.

Repair has been run multiple times. Zulu click to call also doesn’t link to the lead in the CRM. I have a ticket open for over a week so this is the next option I guess.

SuiteCRM 7.10.9

You have a support ticket opened for a week with no response or a bug report? I don’t see any open support tickets for your email.

Hey Tony,

Thanks for responding. Ticket #838431. I tried a bug report as well and was shutdown. Bug report is only for free modules was the reason given.

Sysv, If you get this resolved can I ask you to provide some feedback on the fix as I’m facing the same issues with a trial setup.

Don’t want to buy something that doesn’t work…

Best Regards

Just replying back to myself to say, it is working for us but the call screen we expected to show the calls wasn’t where they we’re getting listed.
There was another screen that was showing the call history, only noticed when we started testing but unfortunately this system won’t do what we want as we can only connect it to one CRM from our PBX and we need to support multiple inbound routes to multiple CRM’s.

For everyone else having the same issue, a new version of the CRM module was released and that fixed the issue. I recommend upgrading to

I am running the version of CRM and still no call history in SuiteCRM. How long is the period of time between a call ending and it appearing in the CRM?

I was having this issue also, but once I started using the ip address instead of the FQDN of the Host running suiteCRM it started working. However, I am having issues with Users from CRM syncing with the User Management Module FreePBX/PBXact. Anyone else having this issue?

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After changing to the IP did you have to download the module again and upload it to the CRM?

No I did not.

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hmmm, no luck so far. module uploaded great. I wonder how fast one would expect to see call history transfer. I’ve opened a commercial module ticket

I am not sure that it is going to go back in history to all your call data. I would try a couple of test calls.

I just verified that my call history only goes back to the date that I installed the module and got it working.

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