New install NO passwords work

no PW work after installation, system screen click to reboot, loads to cli, login prompt, NO PW will work I have re-installed xxx times still nothing pulling my hair out!

All passwords ““should™””" that you use have been set by you. What password isn’t working.

set root pass never works after install for first CLI login

It’s about FreePBX 17?
Root is allowed as login?
On SSH, I think you need to login on another user and next use: su - switching on the root user.

Just an idea like that.

i waited till everything was done before typing the pw for root, the last item I got is the term of service orange on bottom screen. I clicked reboot , not doing ssh into the system ,. sitting at the monitor on pc

Could you pls share with us some screenshots… to see clearly yours issue.

Is it a graphic install or text / console install?
For my part, I prefer the text / console install.
I installed a Debian 12 a few days ago, and I set root and another user

Sooooo. If i wait till the END of all setup tast and system is not doing anything and set root PW , it worked

I Lost.

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Hey Shahin.
Me too…

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Bonjour Franck…
What was the all this noise :smiley:

I don’t know… The wind maybe. :rofl:

:smiley: LoL

thanks for everyone. not sure why. it worked

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