New 911 requirements coming for all providers of voice services

Oh and for all that were asking, it appears the FCC already has all the PSAP information you need.

The problem with that list is it does not have any contact info on how to contact them and you will see that depending on your carrier you use they may reference the PSAP by different names. You really have to get this info from your 911 partner and you also have to know for each 911 record you have with them who the PSAP is because you may have a outage that only effects some customers so you have to know which PSAPs to contact per outage.

As I read it, you can delegate this. What it appears to say is that you are still ultimately responsible, but that’s not unusual for delegation.

Only you know if you are down. Your upstream will not know your down. You still have to trigger the notifications. Of course your 911 provider can provide a way to send the notifications but you have to trigger that.

And now some more fun for carries doing SMS. Every few months it some new regulation they are trying to push down. FCC chair proposes rules to reduce scam robotexts | Engadget

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