My GUI failed after 6.12 (from 6.11) upgrade and cert install - how to get it back?

System upgraded to 6.12 this morning, tried to install SSL cert through sys admin pro, GUI failed. Here’s what I’ve done so far…

[root@skapbx conf.d]# service httpd start
Starting httpd: Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/html/aastra/] does not exist
Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/html/aastra/] does not exist
[Wed Apr 08 12:20:26 2015] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 84, the first has precedence
[Wed Apr 08 12:20:26 2015] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence
[Wed Apr 08 12:20:26 2015] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 81, the first has precedence
[Wed Apr 08 12:20:26 2015] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 96, the first has precedence
[Wed Apr 08 12:20:26 2015] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 88, the first has precedence
[Wed Apr 08 12:20:26 2015] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 82, the first has precedence
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:82
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:88
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:96
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:81
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:84
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
[root@skapbx conf.d]#

tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
[Wed Apr 08 11:24:39 2015] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch
[Wed Apr 08 11:25:58 2015] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Wed Apr 08 11:25:58 2015] [error] Unable to configure RSA server private key
[Wed Apr 08 11:25:58 2015] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch
[Wed Apr 08 11:26:11 2015] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Wed Apr 08 11:26:11 2015] [error] Unable to configure RSA server private key
[Wed Apr 08 11:26:11 2015] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch
[Wed Apr 08 12:03:40 2015] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Wed Apr 08 12:03:40 2015] [error] Unable to configure RSA server private key
[Wed Apr 08 12:03:40 2015] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

Remove duplicate sections from /etc/httpd/conf.d/schmoozecom.conf

That got me closer - what else can I check?

# service httpd start
Starting httpd:                                            [FAILED]

This is the current schmoosecom.conf now - 
Listen 88
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/restapps/
Listen 96
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/restapi/
Listen 81
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ucp/
Listen 80
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
Listen 84
        DocumentRoot /tftpboot/

Got rid of /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf and HTTPD started without error

Since you removed ssl.conf the above wont work.

Actually, It does work. I removed the file ssl.conf and the HTTPD service is able to start. Then went to the sysasmin pro module, HTTPS settings, and there is nothing listed now as the ssl.conf file is removed. Go to Auto Setup, click generate, then go back to Settings and install the self signed cert and all is well again.

After this, browse to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ and there is a brand new shiny ssl.conf file.

My statement stands true. Because you removed ssl.conf SSL wont work. You simply went in and reenabled it…because it didn’t work, thus fixing it.

I recently had a similar issue after upgrading. I can confirm that removing the duplicated entries helped me (as did having said file backed up on my HD!!) solve my problem. Somehow during the upgrade, port numbers were switched around and duplicated. Once I had changed them back to their correct numbers, I was able to log back into the GUI. Thanks!