Multilingual ivr = "no-valid-responce" sounds missing but english

Asterisk 1.8.16
FreePBX 2.10

Created bilingual ivr french/english. Everything is working OK except when user enters an undefined choice, system plays no-valid-responce-pls-try-again.wav in English only.

Quick search reveals that /var/www/html/admin/modules/ivr/ has only subfolder “en” and no other sub-folders for other languages.
#ls /var/www/html/admin/modules/ivr/sounds/
#ls /var/www/html/admin/modules/ivr/sounds/en
no-valid-responce-pls-try-again.wav no-valid-responce-transfering.wav

I compared to the FreePBX 2.9 which I have installed on another computer and ivr buid-in sounds are stored some what different, but other languages do exist.
#ls /var/www/html/admin/modules/ivr/i18n
bg_BG es_ES fr_FR he_IL it_IT ivr.pot pt_BR ru_RU sv_SE zh_CN
#ls /var/www/html/admin/modules/ivr/i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES ivr.po

Anybody could shed some light on?

I am using Freepbx 2.11, asterisk 1.8 and the above observation is true. I already configured two languages English and French for the ivr. If the IVR is for french the incoming call is point to French language first, then destination is the IVR french. However, when I check the IVR module there is only english folder for the sounds, do I need to create a french folder under the /var/www/html/admin/module/ivr/sound/fr, and then create a custom french recording and place it in the french folder that I created? Thank you.

The solution is actually in the module itself. Thank you.