Moving to the Cloud - Feedback appriciated

I need to move our Freepbx instance to the cloud. I am looking at AWS, Azure or Google. Any experience good or bad? Cost per month and how many extensions do you have?

I have 30 extentions (4 are fax/obi)

Thoughts? Thank you in advance?

Having set up FreePBX 15 on AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, and Vultr, I can tell you that all will nicely meet your 30-extension needs. The best platform for you will be the one that fits best with your business. If you run a lot of business on Azure, then use Azure, or if you have a lot of tooling to work with AWS, use AWS (for some examples).

Pick an instance size that offers at least one CPU core (a partial core may work ok but you’ll get choked if you have several calls going at once) and at least 1GB RAM, else you will end up with memory concerns.

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