Magic quotes enabled?

I understand.

By the way, I always edit my stuff with nano. Just this one time to get rid of the $ I thought I can use winscp since I couldn’t get rid of it in nano.

Anyways, thank you SO much for your help and effort in trying to get rid of this message. I now know what to do in the future.

Joe - WinSCP encodes is a local editor on the windows box. Win based editors use different encoding. This is where the problem got introduced.

Bottom line don’t use WinSCP to edit Linux files. There are specialized editors for windows such as multiedit that can handle this task.


This was my first time using winscp to peek at a file and attempt to edit it. Originally I used nano, and with nano there was a $ sign in between two letters. I tried to remove it at first with nano with no success, so I opened up the file now with winscp to look at it, and there was no $ at all.
This was the only time I ever used winscp to edit a linux file.

When you edit a file in nano it will display a $ character on the right margin for every line that is wider than your current terminal display. That means you can scroll to the right to see the rest of the characters when the cursor is on the that line. When you do scroll past the current screen width the $ character is displayed on the left margin, indicating that the beginning of the line is off the screen. If the $ character you see moves around like that, you will not be able to edit it because it is not part of the file.

Reading the help info may benefit you. The online help system in nano is available by pressing ^G. It is fairly self explanatory, documenting the various parts of the editor and available keystrokes. Navigation is via the ^Y (Page Up) and ^V (Page Down) keys. ^X exits the help system.

More in-depth help for nano is available here:

I just turned up this thread with a google search because I was getting the same warning on trixbox. It turns out in my case the cause was the same–word wrap spilled a comment onto a new uncommented line.

The interesting thing in my case is that I only use nano to edit my trixbox text files, so I’m pretty sure there must be something automated in the system that caused the end of the comment to break onto the next line.

I only mention it here because I’m pretty sure I didn’t do anything to directly to cause this error, so chances are that somebody else is going to do the same thing and come looking for an answer.

Just like clarknova i found this thread with google. I didnt get a warning on my trixbox tho but i noticed my CID lookup source query wouldnt go in like it should.
Its a simple "select name from contacts where number like ‘%[NUMBER]%’.
The lookup didnt seem to wwork and after a while i noticed the damn quotes were escaped…
I ended up manually editing the database to make it work.
Later i added some custom stuff and again i had the same problem so i started googling and ended up here.

When you install trixbox, you might get an error when trying to start the packages module, i had the same problem.
The fix seemed to be to edit your php.ini file to increase the settings: memory_limit and max_execution_time.

If you use nano and the width of your editor is not wide enough, editing a line will cause the last word or words to wordwrap so you get:
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in

If you dont put the word “seconds” back on the other line, or leave it uncommented your php.ini file wont process properly.

magic_quotes_gpc = Off sits later in the php.ini file so it never gets turned off.

In my case i had to fix the lines at max_execution_time to fix the quotes from being escaped.

In my case, it was the line in /etc/php.ini

memory_limit = 256M : Maximum amount… consume

  • with (8MB) on the next line…

Nice catch wimdev - thanks