Looking for Help

Okay, please don’t flame me too bad here. I’ll make it quick. We’re a software firm (www.auditorysciences.com) that’s developing communication products for people that are Deaf or Hard of Hearing; meaning we’re trying to help people but we don’t have a lot of cash as most of the people needing these products also don’t have a lot of spare money laying around.

We’re having some issues with our FreePBX installation that are above my abilities to fix, nothing urgent but we sure could use a hand from someone that’s willing to help. We can’t pay with cash, but we can give you some of our products in exchange. So, if you know someone who’s deaf or hard of hearing, and you know a lot about FreePBX, then please drop us a line at [email protected].

– Robert

I’m sure you will find many here who will work pro bono for legitimate causes.

But why don’t you drop us a line, right here, as to what exactly your problems are and what solutions you are looking for.

But be very careful, your organization is apparently a “for profit” one, you sell your product for between 150 and 5000 dollars, so on second thoughts, count me out until you can show me your pro-bono credentials

Thanks for taking a look. Yep, $149 to $4995 to be exact. It’s too long of a story for this thread, but to raise any cash these days when you’re developing products for people with disabilities you need to be “for profit” and have higher dollar amounts on products – that doesn’t mean we actually make a profit though…

And when you are “for profit”, please don’t expect any other chump to do your work for you for free.


Yep, you caught us. We’re actually all millionaires and the only reason we’re not out on our yachts right now instead of working this late is that we’re too cheap to pay others – right… I take it you’ve never worked in the space of developing products for people with disabilities. It’s not the market you go into to make money – you do it to help people. The folks that are in it for the money don’t last long.

Our offer of course still stands for anyone else that does want to give a hand to help others. We don’t have cash, but we do have some nice products to help people that are Hard of Hearing or Deaf as well as people that have lost the ability to speak (e.g., a stroke patient). If you could use the products to help someone, then drop us a line at [email protected].