Interesting, have you run it against your fork of OSS Endpoint manager?
That one seems to have bifurcated quit a bit. There’s your fork, there’s jerrm’s fork
but apparently the Package server at and it’s mirror is now offline although I see that is online. Is thre any way that ALL those packages could be downloaded so that they could be installed locally? Seems not right to take an on-prem PBX and add a cloud dependency to it.
There’s what appears to be the source of yours and his:
there’s the granddaddy of them:
Then there’s another antique unrelated to OSS EPM:
And then there’s the odd little offshoot for Polycom’s:
also abandonded. I wonder if it would survive a refactor without too much trouble.
The irony of all this of course is that the most current OSS provisioning tool on the Internet which I believe works on the latest PHP is only for Cisco enterprise phones - and it requires chan_sip and the usecallmanager patch.