Let's Encrypt Certificate renewals failing

I posted this solution in another thread, but didn’t get any feedback. I’ve tested this on a few systems now with positive results…

I’m pretty green when it comes to iptables, but I messed around with it long enough to get a working proof of concept. I’m hoping someone can tell me if this is a bad idea and/or how it could be improved.

Start by enabling “Custom Firewall Rules” via Connectivity > Firewall > Advanced > Advanced Settings > Custom Firewall Rules: Enabled

edit /etc/firewall-4.rules and insert

#Lets Encrypt
#Create lefilter chain
-N lefilter

#Remove FreePBX rule that allows all established states through
-D fpbxfirewall -p tcp -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

#Insert rule into INPUT chain to pass all port 80 traffic to lefilter
-I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j lefilter

#Insert rule back into fpbxfirewall chain to allow all established traffic except for traffic on port 80
-I fpbxfirewall -p tcp ! --dport 80 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

#Allow new port 80 states to be generated
-A lefilter -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

#Filter subsequent traffic to allow access to /.well-known/acme-challenge
-A lefilter -m string --string "GET /.well-known/acme-challenge" --algo kmp -j ACCEPT

#Return back to the INPUT chain for further processing
-A lefilter -j RETURN
#End of Lets Encrypt

Ensure /etc/firewall-4.rules is owned by the ‘root’ user and not writable by any other user. If it’s not, then ‘chown root:root /etc/firewall-4.rules’ and ‘chmod 644 /etc/firewall-4.rules’.

Stop and start the firewall, either in the gui or on the command line. From the command line: ‘fwconsole firewall disable’ then ‘fwconsole firewall start’

After that, with any luck, letsencrypt traffic on port 80 will get through, any other exceptions will continue to get through, and any non-whitelisted traffic to port 80 should be dropped.

I’m hoping this, or something like it, can be added to the official distro/firewall module. My fear now, is that the ‘fpbxfirewall’ rule that I’m removing could be renamed which will prevent this custom rule from removing it, and subsequently allow all port 80 traffic through.