Incoming calls directly go to voice mail

Hi all

I just configured FreePBX:

  • Trunk from Intertel Belgium
  • Outbound route
  • Extension 1022
  • Inbound route going to extension 1022

Outgoing calls work fine, however incoming calls directly go to the voice mail of 1022.

  • I checked the call event log, and there it sais “s-chanunavail” and “macro-vm”.
  • I checked the Asterisk Info and the extension shows up in the Peers section

What could be going wrong here and how can I check and hopefully fix it?

I kind of ran out of ideas.

Thanks a lot for the help.

Does it have an address when it appears in peers, as this sounds like it is not registering. unregistered peers will still show, but with no contact address.

Also, the term peer is only used for chan_sip and no just configured FreePBX should be using chan_sip, as it is no longer in the latest official source code, for Asterisk, and earlier versions are not getting any maintenance from Sangoma.

It’s a PJSIP extension. I figured out it’s the SIP client on iOS… basically: incoming calls are for some reason blocked.

I’m using Linphone - I’m also bound to accessibility restrictions.

When i installed MicroSIP on windows and registered the extension there, it all worked.

If it shows up under “sip show peers” but you intended that the SIP session to it be implemented by chan_pjsip, something is badly misconfigured.