Inbound route with specific caller ID not working

I have an inbound route I am using to try and test something. It is set up as follows:
CID: <My cell phone number, in 10 digits, copy and pasted from CDR reports>
Description: Shouldn’t matter
Destination: IVR 9000

There is only one inbound route that is higher in the sequence, and it doesn’t apply (For a different CID)
There are inbound routes AFTER this one, they are set to CID any, and are for specific DID’s (But from my research It shouldn’t matter, as those with a CID should take priority)
I did hit the red Apply Config button after adding/changing it.
What could be wrong?

Provide call logs

It looks like for some reason it needed to be set as a “Priority route.” I didn’t think that would make a difference, but it looks like it does.