Impossible to upgrade freepbx distro


Today I tried to upgrade freepbx distro from 5.211.65-21 to 6.12.65-20 with the provided script. I always have problems upgrading when the script wants to download the RPM’s with this error:

Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 52 - "Empty reply from server"
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: schmooze-commercial

I try to ping and nothing.

My firewall/gateway has that site white listed, and my PBX’s IP is in the exception list, so it should access the internet with no problem, and it does with all the servers I tried but the mirrorlist server.

I contacted my ISP and they tell me they have the same problem trying to reach that server. And that the problem is not with their provider. They insisted is their policy to not block any site.

This happens most of the time. The script finishes but without downloading and installing the RPM’s.

Seems to be a problem with your server/provider blocking my/provider IP’s, or I don’t know.

In this momment my PBX seems to work. Calls are made in and out, but I cannot access the freepbx web GUI. I think is beacause the script made a incomplete upgrade.

If you need more information just tell me. Please help me.

Thank you.

We have ping (ICMP) replies disabled on purpose. If you click the link yourself above you will see you get a mirror list. Do it and see for yourself that it is working.

odly, when i click the link above , i get a timeout has occurred trying to connect to remote host.



Then that should prove it is a network issue on your end. No?

Its working now, when i checked after the OP posted, it was down for me as well.

I run the script 1 hour ago and It worked. It downloads the RPM’s and modules.

I don’t think everything went well because now I have some modules in 2.11 and others in 12.0. I’m checking this.

As I said the script run well one hour ago, but now when I run “yum update” just for testing:

[root@pbx ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, kmod
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 52 - "Empty reply from server"
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: schmooze-commercial

This happens all the time. 9 of 10 times I run the script it fails. And this is not just with this script. It has failed with the las 20 scripts I can remember.

Is like the server comes down and up every hour. I normaly run my upgrades on saturdays 18:00 - 20:00 GMT. Normaly it fails and I have to run the script again remotely from my home on sunday.

Maybe I am out of luck or paranoic.

This is complete normal

Aside from that as far as we can tell the server has not gone down at all