How to secure my pbx

hi you know I read this post (sorry u got hacked) and one thing caught my eye. The part about leaving port 80 open to access recordings. I don’t have any “customers” but just use my pbx for personal use, however I do want/would like to be able to access my recordings portal from outside the LAN. (as of now this is not possible due to my firewall).

I wonder, is it possible to set up another machine (either physical or a virtual machine perhaps on the same hardware as freepbx) that is used solely for safe access to the voicemail/recordings portal? e.g. different passwords, no other services running on it just basically a LAMP server that points to the PBX in a secure way (whitelisted IP or something).

I don’t even know for sure if this is “safer” than having the recordings portal exposed on the pbx itself (perhaps not on port 80, for example)

would like to hear more comments on this if anyone has done this or if there are better methods for secure access outside of the lan.