How to make outgoing calls

If the local channel approach fits your case, it is probably best, but I did chan_pjsip dial strings, and, unless is an endpoint name, that isn’t a valid chan_pjsip dial string. To dial an explicit URI, you need to use PJSIP/endpoint/user@domain, where endpoint defines things like the transport and the codec.

Why do you need an explicit URI? If you really, really, do need one, you probably can’t use the from-internal local channel approach.

'Copy’ing into …/outgoing will often be a problem, you should ‘move’ it there after creating it somewhere else. (RTFM :wink: )

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Is there any command that I can execute the connection directly in the Asterisk CLI?

I can use this command to make calls, in freepbx, because with the configuration file it doesn’t work, just give a beep and the call drops, it doesn’t play the requested audio.

originate PJSIP/1000 extension 123456789@default

channel originate local/1000@from-internal extension 123456789@from-internal

It worked, thanks!