How to disable the notify other extension when using RingGroup


I have create an ring-all group with extension 5000, 5001 and 5002. The problem is it is always notify the other extension such as 8002 when I start the inbound calling. I have reset the inbound/outbound routes and ring groups many times but the problem is still remaining. Can anyone help me figure out this problem?



These phones have a BLF monitoring extension 5000

Thank you for asking my question PitzKey. Does anyone know how to disable to BLF monitoring?

You need to remove the BLF key from these phones.

May I ask what’s the problem with these BLF keys? Why do you want to remove them?

Thank you for giving me the directly guidance to avoid this problem and I am totally agree with you. If a phone added the BLF line to an extension, this phone will be always get notification when the target extension phone receive any inbound calls.

Our client are using polycom VXX410. When the freepbx sent notification to phone, the phone screen looks received incoming call (like the pic shown below). It may cause the users who are not the really caller to pick the phone or press the BLF key to call the target extension number accidentally.

And this is the reason why I want to disable the notification feature. I am not so deep understanding the freepbx and asterisk settings. Please let me know if you have any good ideas to solve this problem.



I’m not much of a polycom user, so I can’t give you the exact steps. You basically need to disable the visual BLF.

I agree, thanks for the all of the help.

Polycom phone can hide the visual BLF as you said.

From the Polycom Phone user guide, set the paramter attendant.behaviors.display.spontaneousCallAppearances.normal=“0” and that can disable spontaneous call appearance for Polycom Phones.

Thanks PitzKey. Without your help and suggestion, I can not solve this issue by myself. Really appreciate it.


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