How to configure BLFs on a BEM for a specific Polycom 650 phone?

I remember in the OSS EPM there was a list of all the fields, and I just populated that. But I don’t see that in the Commercial EPM. I have one Polycom IP 650, and in the template (specific to IP 650) I have added a BEM (I think? Its listed under Expansion modules in when I click the config for the extension). Where do I go to add all of the other extensions BLF entries?

Inside the template under models you add them.

I did that. Does that mean if I had two different 650s with sidecars, and wanted them to be different, I’d create two different templates? I thought under OSS EPM I did broader model templates, then could do custom configs on a phone by phone basis (but that was probably. 18+ months ago so I don’t really recall).