How do I make an outbound SIP URI call?

No, that’s fine.

So on their system they are rejecting your IP address.
Are you sure that the IP address your Invite is coming from is identical to the one they have configured on their system under permit for the genesis peer?

I don’t see why this would be relevant as they are rejecting Invites from your server sent to them.

Yeah, I confirmed the IP address on our Invite is identical to the one they have configured. I even did a packet sniff for their IP on the router for our phones, and opened it in Wireshark to look at the UDP and SIP data to verify that. Does it have anything to do with the abnormal port we’re using (5070)? The return packets from them have the correct destination port of 5070 and their config has “port=5070” for us.

And as I got done typing the above, I figured I would give it a try to program that 1234 extension as an option in our IVR…called in from my cell, pressed the menu option, and it worked! This whole time I’ve been trying to call the 1234 extension from my office phone. Not sure why that wouldn’t have worked, but calling in from an external phone does. But that’s all I needed it to do…have it forward to them after hours or after 2 minutes of sitting in a queue. Maybe the only accept 10 digit numbers, so when I tried calling from my 3 digit extension, it got rejected.

Thank you everyone for all of your help! I’ve literally spent over 30 hours in a course of just over a week trying to figure this out. I’m sure their System Admin just dreaded seeing my name in his inbox after a while lol

Sorry that we didn’t catch that. They have an extension 101 on their system, which took precedence identfying the endpoint, which had an ACL denying your IP. We’ll remember that for next time.

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