Hide User Manager Group from Sangoma Phone Contacts

We have a system where it doesn’t make sense to have the User Management Group show up on certian end users Sangoma phones Contacts App.

So how would one prevent this group from showing up on certain phones contact lists?

Remove it via EPM

So I was able to remove it by going to User Management > Editing the group assocaited with those phones > going to contact manager

and removing the User management group

Now my question is, if I want a shared contact list on the phone (which I’ve setup) that’s going to contain external numbers for a contact list. How can the end user configure what shows up in this shared group?

Does this shared group need to be modified from the web or can you set permissions so only certain extensions can add from their phones to this shared list?

It wasn’t clear to me that you wanted to remove one group, I thought you wanted to remove the button.

They can’t.

FreePBX isn’t designed for multi tenancy. So you might be stuck with issues like this one.

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