Help to recover the access to FreePBX denied by Elastix


I have Elastix with Centos 5.7.

Everything was working ok.

What I did:

  • Preformed one yum update . The Elastix was updated and everything was working fine.
  • Entered in the FreePBX I saw that some modules were not updated because still running PHP 5.1
  • Then updated to PHP 5.5
  • After restart everything seems to work fine at the PBX level. However I can’t login any more in the Elastix. I already checked the Elastix conf file and I’m writing the right password.
  • I also already used this command to “change” the password, but still without success: sqlite3 /var/www/db/acl.db “UPDATE acl_user SET md5_password=’echo -n adminpwd|md5sum|cut -d' ' -f1’ WHERE name=‘admin’”
  • And now, when I go directly to the to directly access the FreePBX I received the message: “You are not authorized to access this page. Enable direct access (Non-embedded) to FreePBX® in “Security >> Advanced Security Settings” menu.”

Then I’m stuck…

Can you help me to login to FreePBX? I do not need Elastix…only FreePBX

Duarte S.

look at the possible .htaccess methods that might have been “contributed” by your chosen distro.