Help help help!

Guys Please Help me out my company is down for 4 days now!!!
every time i try to call a number it says Failed to Establish call

i got Subscription from OneKingTelecom Unlimted usa/Canada it was working for the first couple days then this stupied message start came up and iam trying to modfiy the setting on my FreePBX page but thats it gave up i cant do any thing else and iam sure nothing wrong happened like i said it was perfect in the first couple days and i didnt change any thing

geh - You can’t seriously expect any help from this message.

Read your message, you did not provide one scrap of relevant information. You didn’t even tell us what kind of system you are running.

All of the usual troubleshooting steps, connectivity, registration, full debug logs apply.

If you want it fixed right away click on the support tab and utilize the paid support services. A tech will log in to your machine and resolve the issue.

am using reePBX 2.6.0.RC2.1
software Xlite 4 and my problem is i cant establish a call

heres pic for my Setting,
and heres my issue ,

Please don’t get short with me, I am here to help. You come in screaming help, help, help and provide no information and then cop an attitude?

The information you send is useless, how can a screen shot of a softphone help?

I asked you for configuration and logs.

heres my setting my logs my every thing

You sent everything but the trunk info, that is what is wrong. The key is the “no matching peer” in the log.

How was this system installed? I see that it has been hacked up in an attempt to brand the software.

Is this a distro or from scratch install?


its not scratch installed i think its the other one because i bought every thing ready from onekingtelecom , and i cant access to the Trunk but am gonna show u the pic for it page
i cant get more setting its all i got

That is the FOP page, I am talking about the trunk settings page.

If you bought the system from onekingtelecom why don’t you use their technical support?

i cant on my page setting if i click help they moving me to this website thats way am trying to get help here but i really i regret for buy it from them they just took the money and left me with out any help
and they dont have lines every time i call the company number they moving me to voice mail so i wounder if you guys can help me on that because its crazy now i cant make even 1 call …

I can tell you are frustrated but you really have not given us enough information.

Basically they sold you free software and abandoned you.

You have provided log information that shows the trunk isn’t working, are you sure they have not shut you off?

I have asked for the trunk information, do you not have a “trunk” settings on your FreePBX?

You have root access as you are sending the log.

You also have the option of using the paid FreePBX support, they can get you back on track.

so what u trying to tell me its free software ? please check this page ,
its the product that i bought do i can get this futures for free i can setup this stuff with u guys for free and just buy the trunks for out going calls? if that possible would be great i just want to know i saw the sip trunk cost 25$ i need to know the fairy usage u guys gives me limit minuts or u limit my calls daily? and how many users can use 1 trunk for outgoing lines , answer me asap because i might go with you guys right a way i need to work my company stopped for 4 days exactly now and the company cant be down for another days i need to start work hard after next weakend for sure…

We publish the Open Source software that your provider is using. You would have to install it and then choose your own IP provider. I can’t see how you could be any worse off considering that they are not supporting you. is a reliable provider in Canada.

Since you are not familiar with IP telephony you should budget professional services time to setup the system.

it was stupid recommended from skype active members what ever we cant changed what happened already i tried to refund but i cant now iam thinking of use my excite subscribe now to make calls all i need now is sip trunk and after this month am gonna change to another pbx provider can you tell the best one on that but still cheape 40$ or 30$ will be perfect and i buy the sip trunk from you guys

but i still dont know the fair usage of your sip trunk can u inform me with this information sir and appreciate your activity with me on this subject ,

i need some thing trustful and has free technical support 24/7 and i prefer american company cause iam in nebraska usa