Hello! Documentation Offer

Hello Everyone, I’m a new user to the PBX Distro, I’m switching over after many many years with Trixbox (blah)… I usually try to contribute back to the community via documentation. I’m pretty good at that(sometimes)! If anyone wants something specific written or re-written please let me know and I’ll be happy to attempt a new doc or re-write something to help keep the docs up to date.

~ David


Welcome to the community. I have given you access to edit and manage most of the documentation of freepbx.org. If you go to http://www.freepbx.org/support/documentation you should be good to go.

Also what we could really use is a good forum post on how to create a ticket at freepbx.org/trac for bugs. I can than make that a sticky post that we can point people to when needing to know how to report a bug including screenshots.