Hii all
I have a new freepnx 17 with asterisk 20 setup
i have a gigaset N300a iphone however i can register on with microsip softphone ok but the gigaset fails to register with a invalid password. Any help would be appreciated…
Some older devices have problems with long passwords or special characters. Create a password consisting of no more than 15 letters and digits. Paste it into both password for the Gigaset and Secret for the extension.
If you still have trouble, post the Asterisk log of an attempted registration, including pjsip logger.
[2024-08-27 12:04:25] WARNING[1582] chan_sip.c: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Configuring+res_pjsip
[2024-08-27 12:04:25] VERBOSE[1552] asterisk.c: Asterisk Ready.
[2024-08-27 12:04:27] NOTICE[1689] chan_sip.c: Peer ‘8081’ is now UNREACHABLE! Last qualify: 0
[2024-08-27 12:09:02] NOTICE[1689] chan_sip.c: Registration from ‘“8081” sip:[email protected]’ failed for ‘’ - Wrong password
[2024-08-27 12:09:22] ERROR[1614] netsock2.c: getaddrinfo(“almost always”, “(null)”, …): Name or service not known
[2024-08-27 12:09:22] WARNING[1614] acl.c: Unable to lookup ‘almost always’
[2024-08-27 12:09:25] ERROR[1614] netsock2.c: getaddrinfo(“almost always”, “(null)”, …): Name or service not known
[2024-08-27 12:09:25] WARNING[1614] acl.c: Unable to lookup ‘almost always’
[2024-08-27 12:09:35] VERBOSE[1585] asterisk.c: Remote UNIX connection
Above is the my log from where i am getting the error if you need anymore of my logs let me know…
I have made a simplle pasword with only numbers and it still wont register via the gigaset my firwall is disabled for testing and its a remote VPS with debian i have installed aterisk 20 so i can try chan.sip incase chan.pjsip was the problem…
I had asked for pjsip logger because I had assumed that you were using pjsip driver. If you want to troubleshoot the chan_sip case, at the Asterisk command prompt type
sip set debug on
attempt a registration, paste a new log at pastebin.com and post the link here.
Or, switch to pjsip (assuming same error) and paste the log with pjsip logger turned on.
He is my debug log from freepbx full after login
There is no SIP trace in the log. Note that anything that restarts or reloads Asterisk (such as Apply Config) will cancel pjsip logger and sip debug, so you will have to issue them again. Also, check that when you issue
pjsip set logger on
you see PJSIP Logging enabled and for
sip set debug on
you see SIP Debugging enabled.
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