Get call history for end user history on answered and unanswered calls

I have a client who wants to somehow view the call history of all extensions for answered and unanswered calls. Is there some kind of reporting or maybe a UCP panel that can show all extension information?

Two approaches initially leap to mind:

  1. Give him access to the CDR report and turn him loose.
  2. Write an Excel “importer” that pulls some subset of the data from the MySQL database using an ODBC connector to the database ‘asteriskcdrdb’ ‘cdr’ table and let him carve away on that till he gets what he’s looking for.

There are also CDR reports “out there” that you can find (and I think buy from Sangoma) that might get you where he wants to go.

I called them and they do not have a CDR reporting tool or program.

You create an account in the UCP for them. You give them Call History and then assign the extensions you want them to have access to. You could also create a group that has all this set for it and assign users to that group in case they want more than one user to have these specific privileges.

You can also give them access to the call recordings in said history as well.

so one extension could view all extension history for all phones?

No, one user can view call history for all extensions assigned to it. UCP users are just that, UCP users. FreePBX automatically creates a user and maps them to an extension when the extension is created. You could simple tell it to not create a UCP users at the time you create the extension and there wouldn’t be one until you created it.

You could have 5 extensions in the system but 25 users in UCP and those users can have access to whatever you give them access to, including allowing them admin GUI access and privileges. So the same user account would work in the UCP and the admin GUIs.

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yeah they want one screen for all extensions history on inbound or some kind of report method

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