Fwconsole not found

still got same issue CRITICAL SYSTEM ERROR

You posted a screenshot saying you have a critical system error but your screenshot says otherwise

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I do in Putty view

This is a different screenshot than the one above.

Use “find / -name fwconsole” and post the result.

Here is the results.

Either log into the server as root, or use ‘sudo’ to execute the command ‘chmod +x /usr/sbin/fwconsole’

After that, you should be able to run fwconsole without a problem…

I also ran the update script from the Wiki, and got the error shown above (the ** CRITICAL SYSTEM ERROR ** thing).

Here’s fwconsole located:

Where do I go from here?

I’ve tried asking about upgrade problems earlier here. As I’m no Linux wizard, I didn’t think to check the console… :frowning:
However, the system is working as it did before.

I have same issue with fwconsole.

root@FreePBX:/usr/src/freepbx/amp_conf/bin# find / -name fwconsole





Please post the output of:

which fwconsole
ll /usr/sbin/fwconsole
ll /var/lib/asterisk/bin/fwconsole
echo $PATH

root@FreePBX:~# which fwconsole


don’t post pictures please. Post a real log

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