Fwconsole failes to start aserisk

[root@ec2-nltel40 ~]# fwconsole setting --list | grep ASTMANAGER
| ASTMANAGERHOST | localhost | localhost |
| ASTMANAGERPORT | 5038 | 5038 |

[root@ec2-nltel40 ~]#
[root@ec2-nltel40 ~]# asterisk -x “manager show settings”

Global Settings:

Manager (AMI): Yes
Web Manager (AMI/HTTP): No
TCP Bindaddress:
HTTP Timeout (seconds): 60
TLS Enable: No
TLS Bindaddress: Disabled
TLS Certfile: asterisk.pem
TLS Privatekey:
TLS Cipher:
Allow multiple login: Yes
Display connects: No
Timestamp events: No
Channel vars:
Debug: No

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