Hi all,
I’m rebuilding my freepbx system , moving it from ESXI to Proxmox. I’m doing a fress install using the latest and greatest of all things available :
Proxmox 7.4-3
Debian 12
Installed using : https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FP/pages/230326391/FreePBX+17+Installation
Used the script from github
For the most part all is good, but after wading through the ocean of ads I tried to register, and this straight up failed. Tried to make an account, and all it did was sit there and spin. ( I ended up going to the community page and making an account there )
So I aborted the account creation.
Next came setting up the firewall. This was pretty straightforward until I committed the changes and again , nothing happened for a bit, then I got an error message about an Ajax failure and to look at the console log.
After a little googling I see that I’m not alone on this , but when I went to the list of logs to view them there is no ‘console’ log. I did fine ‘system logs’ and there were a lot of logs, but no ‘console’ log.
I looked at the firewall log, but it was a scrollercoaster of error messages that flew by in a moment.
When I went back to look at the other logs it was a festival of errors like not being allowed to have ‘_’ in a name ( I have not set anything up yet, so I’m unsure of this ) , various ‘nonexistent context’ errors ( 100’s of them ) .
In the end I found this in the firewall log :
> 3 [2024-11-18 11:09:38] - Unparseable output from getservices - ["Exception: Asterisk is not connected in file \/var\/www\/html\/admin\/libraries\/php-asmanager.php on line 249","Stack trace:"," 1. Exception->() \/var\/www\/html\/admin\/libraries\/php-asmanager.php:249"," 2. AGI_AsteriskManager->send_request() \/var\/www\/html\/admin\/modules\/firewall\/Smart.class.php:516"," 3. FreePBX\\modules\\Firewall\\Smart->getPjsipContacts() \/var\/www\/html\/admin\/modules\/firewall\/Smart.class.php:507"," 4. FreePBX\\modules\\Firewall\\Smart->getRegistrations() \/var\/www\/html\/admin\/modules\/firewall\/Smart.class.php:89"," 5. FreePBX\\modules\\Firewall\\Smart->getAllPorts() \/var\/www\/html\/admin\/modules\/firewall\/Firewall.class.php:2225"," 6. FreePBX\\modules\\Firewall->getSmartPorts() \/var\/www\/html\/admin\/modules\/firewall\/bin\/getservices:22"] - returned 1
So my question at the end of the day is this : It’s clear that the latest release is not ready for prime time yet. I can get to the dashboard but it’s nagging me about the firewall & I can’t register it. I have not tried to set anything else up or changed anything other than what I’ve outlined here.
Should I just stick with my current working install and wait for updates/patches/etc for FreePBX ? Really the only reason I’m doing this is to move off of ESXI and on to Proxmox. I thought it owuld be a good idea to update at this stage and not copy everything over. Two birds and all that.