Freepbx support protocal sip - i?


          i need to know  freepbx latest version  is  support  sip protocal sip - i ?  how to config it ?


FreePBX isn’t the technology that supports SIP - that’s Asterisk. FreePBX Supports Asterisk.

Now, SIP-I is almost 20 years old and is intended as a bridge between PSTN Switches. See Difference Between SIP-I and SIP-T | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms for more information.

What are you trying to actually do?

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i have connection between Operator (Thailand) but this operator say accept protocal sip - i only

So I found a way to connect via freepbx.

I have used CAT2call plus in Thailand and was very satisfied. It’s standard SIP and works well with FreePBX. However, you get only two channels per DID and no control over outbound caller ID, so it may not be suitable for a larger organization.|(Link)

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We is Operator same CAT Of Thailand But I need to be connected With every operator Because we are Phone service provider, only that there are some operators Want to connect with protocal sip - i

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