FreePBX Distro

Hello guys this just something i will like to be point out.

I am new to PBX and Asterisk but i can catch up to it pretty fast or so i believe.

Anyways the problem is the fallowing

Before you guys upgraded your page to what it is now, If i am not wrong I remember you all had
FreePBX distro download (i believe still does), witch include Cent OS 6.2, asterisk 1.8 and 10 and FreePBX (cant remember the version)…

the problem is this because you guys dint include any specification as to what the asterisk contain.
I spend hours trying to get the cdr_pgsql module since the asterisk that you guys provide dint include it. If i am not wrong it only had like 2 modules…Mysql and another one.

This became very stressing situation to someone that was new to this type software cause i count find a way to include cdr_pgsql module either separately or in a bundle

Luckily it was a new BOX so…i end up uninstalling asterisk…i download it and compile it…and found a shit load of modules in there.

I believe you guys should do a small report as to what does asterisk contain to avoid this kind of stress on people like Mua…

Never the less FreePBX is a great product.
(apologies for my English)