log below for incoming not reachable.
I don’t know why your tata context isn’t working. Try changing context for your trunk:
Restart Asterisk and retest. Paste another log if you still have trouble.
Thanks Stewart its working, I changed the context to above given by you will do all testing and let you know if I face any issues anyways thanks again. cheers
Sorry Stewart its working i messed up with inbound routes, now everything is working.
hello Stewart I just need one last help what is happening now if my Trunk ISP gateway is not reachable due to their downtime freepbx sends register request but after few attempts if trunk is not reachable it fails and after that freepbx is not able to restart the registration request.
if there anyway that freepbx should keep on checking a heartbeat of trunk.
Unless you have set the registerattempts (chan_sip) or Max Retries (pjsip) parameter, it should retry indefinitely. You can confirm this with sngrep or tcpdump. Possibly, the retries are being blocked by the router or provider, or something related to the error causes them to be blocked by fail2ban (check whether the IP gets banned).
It retries for about 89 times and then it fails.
Hello Stewart I am just struggling in dialing plan as below.
I am not able to dial 7 digit dialing plan, I can add a prepend for local code but cant dial 7 digit if I am dialing out of state, how can make 7 digit dialing work
Can you check the log below my local 7 digit dialing is not working.
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