FreePBX broke after module update

I am a newbie to freepbx and asterisk and just getting a system up and running

I chose to update and install the available modules (all at one time-obviously a mistake) and FreePBX no longer functions
when I browse to any FreePBX webpage I get the menu that asks me to chose either voicemail or admin and when I chose either one (or browse to any other page) I get this:

“conferencespro Copyright 2013 by Schmoozecom, Inc., All rights reserved By installing, copying, downloading, distributing, inspecting or using the materials provided herewith, you agree to all of the terms of use as outlined in our End User Agreement which can be found and reviewed at built Sat, 06 Apr 2013 17:08:02 +0000 (1365268082) @r24137

rather than the normal page HTML.

Did I break FreePBX?
If so can I reinstall just FreePBX ? (and how do I do it?)
or did I blow up everything?

Thanks in advance

When did you update. The error you are getting is from a unlicensed commercial module called conferencepro but I just installed that on a unlicensed server and dont get that error.

For now remove the module from the CLI with

rm -r /var/www/html/admin/modules/conferencespro

Then try logging in.

it worked great
you are a life saver!!!

But I dont get why you got that error. Can you go to module admin and tell me what version of conferencepro was installed. I can not replicate this.
