Freepbx 14 Distro No IPV4 Address After Post Installation Reboot

OK, I figured it out…

config_boot_linux() of /etc/wanpipe/wancfg_zaptel/ gets runs after each boot and this is what updates the wanrouter script and recreates those links…

I had to set the start and stop level at the top of that function to the ones I had decided on…


    my $wanrouter_start_level=20;
    my $wanrouter_stop_level=80;

They were initiallty set to

    my $wanrouter_start_level=8;
    my $wanrouter_stop_level=91;

I guess I could have kept that stop level but I had decided on 80…

Boot time is now under a minute and starting wanrouter no longer fails…

Thank you very much dicko and have a nice day!


PS @GameGamer43, this fixes the last problem I reported on .