FOP2 support for simple licensing issue. Are they alive?

FreePBX 16.0.26 / all modules current

On Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 09:25:43 AM PST, I wrote FOP2 support:

Yesterday I upgraded my FreePBX 15 server running on a Virtualbox virtual machine to a freshly installed FreePBX 16 on a second virtual machine, and migrated my FreePBX 15 settings using an earlier backup. After installing FOP2 on the FreePBX 16 virtual machine, when I ran the command below to register FOP2 I received the following error message:

Serial code not available for registration. It was reused 3 or more times. You must request a manual reset.

I am therefore requesting a manual reset for code ABCD1234XYZ

I received an instant automatic reply from FOP2 support. After the weekend, I wrote again:

Hey guys, Iā€™m waiting for a response. I donā€™t need an automatic reply, I need a human to look at this.

Another instant automatic reply. This isnā€™t a difficult problem. Iā€™m not at all impressed with the response time. Is FOP2 support even alive?

I see there are instructionsā€“albeit somewhat oldā€“in the FreePBX wiki to back up FOP2 on FreePBX 15:

Backup fop2 using FreePBX 15 Backup Module

(Sangoma Documentation)

Using the FreePBX 15 Backup module with a couple of scripts you can backup fop2 and all its information with the use of custom files/directories and a couple of scripts.

Within your Backup job, add the following custom files/directories:

  • Directory: /usr/local/fop2
  • Directory: /var/www/html/fop2
  • File: /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3

Now create the following Pre-Backup Hook script:

DBUSER=cat /etc/freepbx.conf | sed 's/ //g' | grep AMPDBUSER | tail -n 1 | cut -d\" -f4
DBPASS=cat /etc/freepbx.conf | sed 's/ //g' | grep AMPDBPASS | tail -n 1 | cut -d\" -f4
mysqldump --add-drop-table -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS asterisk $(mysql -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS -D asterisk -Bse ā€œSHOW TABLES LIKE ā€˜fop2%ā€™ā€) > /usr/local/fop2/fop2_backup.sql

Now create the following Post Restore Hook script:

DBUSER=cat /etc/freepbx.conf | sed 's/ //g' | grep AMPDBUSER | tail -n 1 | cut -d\" -f4
DBPASS=cat /etc/freepbx.conf | sed 's/ //g' | grep AMPDBPASS | tail -n 1 | cut -d\" -f4
mysql -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS asterisk < /usr/local/fop2/fop2_backup.sql
fwconsole restart
sleep 30
systemctl restart fop2


  • The Pre-backup and Post-restore scripts need to be owned by the Asterisk user (chown asterisk:asterisk /path/to/script/file) and must be executable (chmod +x /path/to/script/file).
  • My advice would be to place these scripts inside /usr/local/fop2 as they will be included in the backup and therefore move over automatically.
  • If you a backing up and restoring to a Warm Spare Server, then you want to exclude fop2.lic and fop2_server from the /usr/local/fop2 directory. (Each server should have itā€™s own fop2_server and licence (plus its own copy of any licence plugs you use)
  • Other non-fop2 information in the AstDB will be restored.
  • Restoring will restart FreePBX on the destination server and therefore active calls on that server will be dropped. If you are doing this as part of a warm spare then there will be no calls on that server so this isnā€™t a problem.

Has anyone tried backing up FOP2 on FreePBX 15 using these instructions (or others) and then restoring the backup on FreePBX 16? Does the FOP2 license get clobbered?

Since Iā€™m using a Virtualbox VM I suppose it wouldnā€™t be terribly complicated to test this myself using a clone or two.

Hmmm. Still no reply from fop2. Is this telling me something?

Itā€™s pretty well a one man operation (Nicolas) , but

gets to Nicolas

You gotta contact them via chat on their website when they are online.

Any other way is a waste of time.

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(When he is online)

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