Flowroute SMS

That doesn’t matter. VoIP falls under Application-to-Person and Flowroute is very forthcoming about that fact with their messaging. Due to that, it means anyone using Flowroute (or VoIP really) needs to follow the 10DLC registration rules. More and more VoIP providers are pulling messaging services as a ‘use-as-you-go’ service and requiring proper registration for sending messages.

Even if a provider allows you to send messaging without being registered it means that those messages are treated completely different, they could be subject to filters and blocking and they cost extra money as carriers like ATT and T-Mobile charge higher surcharges when the number sending the messages isn’t associated to a registered Brand/Campaign.

10DLC campaigns also require automatic responses and actions. 10DLC users need to support things like hastag commands such as #STOP, #UNSUBSCRIBE, #REMOVE, etc that will automatically stop the requestor from receiving any messages in the future. There also needs to be support for commands like #HELP or #INFO, etc. which will, once again, automatically reply with valid contact information about the Brand and the Campaign.