Flash Operator Panel Error

After doing a upgrade to FreePBX, the Flash Operator Panel not working.
I have the following error and nothing display when I select the Panel tab, what could this be?

Couldn’t load variablesNETWORK.txt?aldope=1463

Appreciate any help.


You might want to contact Nicolás Gudiño. He wrote FOP. If you go to

There is a chat link in the lower right. He will probably want to know what version of FOP you have.

To find Flash Operator Panel version:

Find where op_server.pl is located:
root@pbx:/ $ find / -name op_server.pl

Goto that directory:

root@pbx:/ $ cd /var/www/html/admin/modules/fw_fop/htdocs_panel

And run the command below:

root@pbx:/var/www/html/admin/modules/fw_fop/htdocs_panel $ ./op_server.pl -v

The result will look something like this:

    op_server.pl version 0.30