Firewall not working: iptables.out Wasn't created

Getting the following error message when I enable the firewall:

Exception /tmp/iptables.out wasn’t created File:/var/www/html/admin/modules/firewall/drivers/iptables.class.php:1073

This makes the overview not work, either. Overview does work when the firewall is disabled.

Iptables from the command line is completely empty, except for Fail2ban…Fail2ban does appears to be working.

I’m also having an additional issue where system updates under system admin is stuck on ‘system is updating’ and will not allow me to upgrade, I have the same issue when I try to invoke the update from the command line. I have rebooted the system several times.

I have also tried fwconsole chown and just about every option from the command line. Modules are 100% up to date.

Unlock a stuck sysadmin update with:

/usr/sbin/sysadmin_update_system --unlock

When unlocked, update FreePBX and the system, then see if the firewall issue persists.

I got it to update, but the firewall problem is persisting.