Firewall broken after upgrade

Hi all. Looking for some assistance. after running an upgrade my firewall module has stopped allowing incoming connections from the outside.

Internal phones can connect to the network however anything from the outside simply does not register.

When the file wall is temporarily disabled due to a reboot all is fine. I have had a look at all the settings and nothing seems to be changed.

Can someone kindly assist. Is it possible to go back to the earlier version of the firewall or is there a setting that I am missing.

Thank you for this successfully downgraded however, it looks like for some reason certain locations have been blocked from the pbx. Softphone on certain Wi-Fi networks work and on some they don’t. If the firewall is disabled everything works fine.

There is nothing in the band Ip table tho under intrusion detection

Do you have responsive firewall?

Yes it is enabled

As root ,then

iptables -L -n

should clue you as to what ‘chain’ is preventing connections.

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