Feature request: Digium/Sangoma D80 is agnostic of hide_completed_elsewhere=1

Asterisk 16.17.0
D80 1.12.11

I have several Digium/Sangoma D65 and one D80 in a ringgroup. When a call comes in and somebody answers it, the other D65s in this ringgroup don’t display a missed call…yet, the D80 shows a missed call. It seems the D80 does not recognize the hide_completed_elsewhere=1 setting. Is it a bug?


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
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  <setting id="8021x_method" value="" />
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  <setting id="8021x_root_cert" url="" value="" />
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      <auto_start />
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        <event id="digium.parkingLot.parked" action="app"/>
  <contacts url ="" id="internal" />
  <contacts url ="" id="external" />

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    <codec id="PCMU" priority="11" packetization="20" jitter_min="0" jitter_max="0" jitter_target="0" enabled="0" />
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      <tone id="Vibe" display="Vibe" type="phone" />
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  <permission id="send_to_voicemail" value="0" />
  <permission id="ignore_calls" value="1" />
  <permission id="record_own_calls" value="1" />
  <setting id="parking_lot_extension" value="70" />
  <setting id="parking_lot_enable_blind_transfer" value="1" />
  <setting id="use_call_log_api" value="0" />
  <setting id="call_log_fetch_entries" value="50" />
        <state id="idle">
             <key id="0" action="missed_or_call_log" />
             <key id="1" action="show_application" label1="_CONTACTS">
             <key id="2" action="show_application" label1="_PARKED_CALLS">
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             <key id="5" action="menu" />
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                <key id="1" action="none"/>
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="end_call"/>
        <state id="hold/transfer">
                <key id="0" action="resume"/>
                <key id="1" action="show_application" label1="_CONTACTS">
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="cancel_call"/>
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                <key id="0" action="resume"/>
                <key id="1" action="split_conference"/>
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="end_call"/>
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                <key id="1" action="show_application" label1="_CONTACTS">
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                <key id="3" action="end_call"/>
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                <key id="0" action="accept_call"/>
                <key id="1" action="reject_call"/>
                <key id="2" action="transfer_call"/>
        <state id="incoming/transfer">
                <key id="0" action="show_application" label1="_CONTACTS">
                <key id="1" action="none"/>
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="cancel_call"/>
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               <key id="0" action="conference" />
               <key id="1" action="park_call" />
               <key id="2" action="record_call" />
               <key id="3" action="end_call" />
        <state id="connected/conference">
                <key id="0" action="none"/>
                <key id="1" action="split_conference"/>
                <key id="2" action="record_call"/>
                <key id="3" action="end_call"/>
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                <key id="0" action="transfer_call"/>
                <key id="1" action="none"/>
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="end_call"/>
        <state id="dial">
                <key id="0" action="toggle_url_number"/>
                <key id="1" action="show_application" label1="_CONTACTS">
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="cancel_call"/>
        <state id="dial/conference">
                <key id="0" action="none"/>
                <key id="1" action="show_application" label1="_CONTACTS">
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="cancel_call"/>
        <state id="dial/transfer">
                <key id="0" action="none"/>
                <key id="1" action="show_application" label1="_CONTACTS">
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="cancel_call"/>
        <state id="dialing">
                <key id="0" action="make_call"/>
                <key id="1" action="backspace"/>
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="cancel_call"/>
        <state id="dialing/conference">
                <key id="0" action="make_call"/>
                <key id="1" action="show_application" label1="_CONTACTS">
                <key id="2" action="backspace"/>
                <key id="3" action="cancel_call"/>
        <state id="dialing/transfer">
                <key id="0" action="transfer_call"/>
                <key id="1" action="make_call"/>
                <key id="2" action="backspace"/>
                <key id="3" action="cancel_call"/>
        <state id="failed">
                <key id="0" action="none"/>
                <key id="1" action="none"/>
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="clear_call"/>
        <state id="calling">
                <key id="0" action="none"/>
                <key id="1" action="none"/>
                <key id="2" action="none"/>
                <key id="3" action="end_call"/>

Remember to submit a ticket on this or the programmer types at Sangoma might miss it.

Where do I submit a ticket? I registered the D80 a year ago at the Digium portal. I just want to report a possible bug. Since I have D65s and a D80 connected to the same freePBX server, I think I proved that it’s a bug :wink:

Or a feature it doe not support since the D80 is a whole different stack and firmware. It has lots of things that are supported on the D6x that are not supported in the D80

Of course…you are correct…

This resource

seems to indicate the param applies to all the D phones, including the D80. see post below

1 Like

That’s an error on my part. It’s not supported on the D80 but is on other models. wiki page updated.


The same place you always should have.

Ok…things clarified…so it is a feature request! :wink:
Without hide_completed_elsewhere you cannot use this phone in a ring group…because the home screen gets filled with missed call tabs!

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