FAX sending problem

I have a problem sending FAX using the commercial FAX PRO module. After sending a FAX from the UCP, the dialing status does not change for a few minutes then a series of retries to send the FAX.

I dont know what I have to check to find a cause of problem.

Hi @a.pyszny
It seems that the retry limit in the FAX configuration is not set, which currently defaults to unlimited.
Please install the latest versions of the modules listed below and set the retry limit to 3 or 5.
Navigate to Settings → FaxConfigurations → look for retries field

fwconsole ma downloadinstall fax --tag=
fwconsole ma downloadinstall faxpro --tag=
fwconsole r

You may need to delete the old failed faxes and then attempt to send a new fax.

If the issue persists, kindly raise a support ticket so we can connect to your system and debug further. Please DM me the ticket number so I can follow up internally.

Hi @Santhosh
I alredy have installed those versions:

I have changed retry field to 3. Now in UCP i can see error message:
Failure: Dial Failed Due To CHANUNAVAIL

How can I rise a support ticket?

Hi @a.pyszny

Please raise support ticket by login to Sangoma Support support portal.

Ref - https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SP/pages/27427065/How+To+Open+A+Support+Ticket


Can we see a debug output so we can see what is happening and what may be causing a chanunavail to be returned.

We have a similar issue with FaxPro not working for outbound since we upgraded the system to v16. I opened a ticket five days ago and since then nothing has happened aside from a tech not reading the detail we provided and someone else transferring it to the wrong team. SO FRUSTRATING.

So don’t expect anything by opening a ticket as suggested by @kgupta

How can I check this? Could you tell me please?