Faulty Refuge system dialer or FreePBX server going wrong?

PBX Version:
PBX Distro: 12.7.8-2306-1.sng7
Asterisk Version: 16.30.0

Hello, I can’t determine where a fault we may have lies. We have multiple Commend refuge systems with analogue dialers so that when lifts are out of action because of a fire alarm, people who can’t use stairs can alert our Security Office. The refuge point is only a button on the wall, that connects back to the main refuge unit in an office, and the main unit places an internal call via FPBX to our Security Office.

In log1 you see a normal call that I placed today. It worked fine. The refuge unit announced where I was to the Security Office person who answered the call, and then connected us with great audio clarity.

In log2 you see a call from a few nights ago that was answered, but the refuge unit didn’t announce where the call was coming from, and didn’t connect the Security Office to the person who might have been using the refuge point.
Does anything stand out in log2 to anyone that would alert to the cause of the problem?

log1-2.tgz (4.2 KB)

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