Fatal Error on Module Upgrade

I just did a module upgrade on the following:
Appointment Reminder will be upgraded to online version 2.11.6
Extension Routes will be upgraded to online version
CID Superfecta 2.11.12 will be upgraded to online version 2.11.16

when I apply Config I see the following FATAL Error:


SELECT value FROM admin WHERE variable = 'version’
DB Error: unknown error

Trace Back

/var/www/html/admin/libraries/utility.functions.php:226 die_freepbx()
[0]: SELECT value FROM admin WHERE variable = ‘version’
DB Error: unknown error

/var/www/html/admin/modules/userman/functions.inc/guihooks.php:14 getversion()

/var/www/html/admin/config.php:269 userman_configpageinit()
[0]: index

Anyone know how I fix this?

‘DB Error: unknown error’.

There’s something wrong with MySQL, and we don’t know what it is.

At a guess, check to make sure it’s running, you’re not out of disk space, and there aren’t any errors when you try that command from the command line?

[root@localhost freepbx]# amportal a m

Fetching FreePBX settings with gen_amp_conf.php…

Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 192073
Server version: 5.1.73 Source distribution

Copyright © 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.

mysql> SELECT value FROM admin WHERE variable = ‘version’;
| value |
| 12.0.7 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit
[root@localhost freepbx]#

Thanks for this.

This is what I get:
mysql> SELECT value FROM admin WHERE variable = ‘version’;
ERROR 145 (HY000): Table ‘./asterisk/admin’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired

How do I fix this?

You can use the ‘REPAIR TABLE’ command of MySQL.


Thanks for this, that fixed my admin table.
Now I’m getting this:

Cronmanager encountered 1 Errors
Delete thisIgnore this
The following commands failed with the listed error
/var/lib/asterisk/bin/module_admin listonline (1)
Added 1 days, 43 minutes ago

Any ideas on how I fix that?