Failing backup

FreePBX 15, newcomer.
I make a backup, but had errors.

[root@freepbx ~]# fwconsole bu --backup cbc69ebd-ef07-4d42-8dc9-972f46abeb2a
Transaction ID is: ae2f91e9-e1b5-4c44-9417-b679ac0a4cc6
Running Backup ID: cbc69ebd-ef07-4d42-8dc9-972f46abeb2a
Transaction: ae2f91e9-e1b5-4c44-9417-b679ac0a4cc6
Starting backup backupLocal
This backup will be stored locally and is subject to maintenance settings
Backup File Name: 20200213-111457-1581581697-
Working with amd module
Exporting KVStore from Amd
Adding module manifest for amd
Working with announcement module
Adding module manifest for announcement
Working with areminder module
Adding module manifest for areminder
Adding module ttsengines to queue because areminder depends on it
Working with arimanager module
Adding module manifest for arimanager
Working with backup module
Exporting KVStore from Backup
Adding module manifest for backup
Working with blacklist module
Exporting Feature Codes from blacklist
Adding module manifest for blacklist
Working with broadcast module
Exporting Databases from broadcast
Adding module manifest for broadcast
Working with calendar module
Adding module manifest for calendar
Working with callback module
The module callback returned no data, No backup created
Working with callerid module
The module callerid returned no data, No backup created
Working with callforward module
Exporting Feature Codes from callforward
Adding module manifest for callforward
Working with calllimit module
The module calllimit returned no data, No backup created
Working with callrecording module
Exporting Advanced settings from callrecording
Adding module manifest for callrecording
Working with callwaiting module
Exporting Feature Codes from callwaiting
Adding module manifest for callwaiting
Working with cdr module
/usr/bin/mysqldump --host localhost --user freepbxuser -pbSQinaeZyLDH asteriskcdrdb --opt --compact --table cdr --skip-lock-tables --skip-triggers --no-create-info --result-file=/tmp/dbdump/cdr.sql
Adding directory to tar: /tmp/dbdump
Adding file to tar: files/tmp/dbdump/cdr.sql
Adding module manifest for cdr
Working with cel module
Exporting Advanced settings from cel
Adding directory to tar: /tmp/dbdump
Adding file to tar: files/tmp/dbdump/cel.sql
Adding module manifest for cel
Working with certman module
Adding directory to tar: /etc/asterisk/keys
Adding directory to tar: /etc/asterisk/keys/integration
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/.rnd
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/default.crt
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/default.csr
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/default.key
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/default.pem
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/integration/certificate.pem
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/integration/webserver.crt
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/integration/webserver.key
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/ca.cfg
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/ca.key
Adding file to tar: files/etc/asterisk/keys/ca.crt
Adding module manifest for certman
Working with cidlookup module
Adding module manifest for cidlookup
Working with conferences module
Exporting KVStore from Conferences
Exporting Feature Codes from conferences
Exporting Advanced settings from conferences
Adding module manifest for conferences
Working with conferencespro module
The module conferencespro returned no data, No backup created
Working with contactmanager module
Exporting KVStore from Contactmanager
Exporting Feature Codes from contactmanager
Exporting Advanced settings from contactmanager
Adding module manifest for contactmanager
Working with core module
Exporting Feature Codes from core
Exporting Advanced settings from core
Exporting KVStore from Core
Adding module manifest for core
Working with cos module
Exporting KVStore from Cos
Exporting Advanced settings from cos
Adding module manifest for cos
Skpping cos which depends on framework because framework is a system requirement. Framework should be removed as a dependency
Working with customappsreg module
Exporting KVStore from Customappsreg
Adding module manifest for customappsreg
Working with dahdiconfig module
Exporting Advanced settings from dahdiconfig
Adding module manifest for dahdiconfig
Working with dashboard module
Exporting Advanced settings from dashboard
Adding module manifest for dashboard
Working with daynight module
Exporting Databases from daynight
Exporting Feature Codes from daynight
Exporting Advanced settings from daynight
Adding module manifest for daynight
Working with dictate module
Exporting Feature Codes from dictate
Adding module manifest for dictate
Working with directory module
Adding module manifest for directory
Working with disa module
Adding module manifest for disa
Working with donotdisturb module
Exporting Feature Codes from donotdisturb
Adding module manifest for donotdisturb
Working with endpoint module
Exporting Advanced settings from endpoint
Exporting Feature Codes from endpoint
Exporting Databases from endpoint
Exporting KVStore from Endpoint

In Backup.php line 6:

/images): failed to open dir: Нет такого файла ил
и каталога (No such file or directory in English)
What I am doing wrong?

I think the problem is in the module which i want to backup.

Hi @fanian,

This issue is because images directory not exists under tftpboot.
We have created a ticket for this, Please follow it for update


1 Like

Thanks. I am try to add a images directory but this not works for me. Actually the issue was connected with endpoint and phone apps modules. When i excluded their from backup configuration everything works fine.

Hi @fanian,

We have fixed the issue. Please try with latest EDGE release of endpoint module.

endpoint v15.0.27.4



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