March 18, 2024, 2:09pm
Not in this case, fail2ban started all it’s jails.
/var/log/messages will also tell you if there is a missing log file, then just touch it and fail2ban will start
March 28, 2024, 7:18pm
Again, everything started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,176 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘asterisk-iptables’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,194 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘pbx-gui’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,198 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘ssh-iptables’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,208 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘apache-tcpwrapper’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,216 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘vsftpd-iptables’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,226 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘apache-badbots’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,227 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘recidive’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,208 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘apache-tcpwrapper’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,216 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘vsftpd-iptables’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,226 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘apache-badbots’ started
2024-03-12 00:29:53,227 fail2ban.jail [9918]: INFO Jail ‘recidive’ started
You will only see it cleanly stopped in the fail2ban log file, and I doubt whether syslog (messages) would identify any malfeasance, so something else did that.
April 27, 2024, 7:19pm
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