External Transfer via SIP Refer

Asterisk does have a Transfer command, which will do a Refer if the call has already been answered, or a 302 redirect if not. FreePBX does not have any modules that generate Transfer, though it’s not hard to create custom dial plan to call it. For example, see

However, I hate losing control of the call and would try hard to avoid that if possible. With Asterisk Transfer, you can’t record the call and the CDR won’t show how long it lasted. Asterisk won’t know the busy status of the destination, to determine whether another call should be sent there. The transferred-to party may not know whether this is a business call and won’t be able to transfer it to or conference in another extension.

I no longer forward calls to mobile numbers. 4G and 5G coverage has improved greatly in the past few years and (at least in the places we go) mobile SIP apps work very reliably and with good voice quality. The callee knows the call is coming from the PBX and FreePBX can rewrite the CNAM, e.g. to show the customer’s name instead of Wireless Caller. The app is a regular extension and can transfer, conference, park, etc.

If you must forward as a mobile voice call, consider using a different trunking provider for those calls, e.g. AnveoDirect. Yes, the call will likely get a B attestation, which may be displayed by the mobile carrier as Possible Spam or even as Scam Likely. However, I assume that the callee is an associate who can be forewarned to ignore the alert.