Extension VM greeting doesn't play after purging voicemails

I don’t expect anything to get fixed here. I’m posting for others who may see the same thing happen.

This is, again, a v15 to v16 upgraded system.

We purged the voicemails from a user’s box via the voicemail admin module. After doing so, calls to the extension roll to voicemail without ringing on the calling side or without playing the recorded name or greeting. And yes, the extension shows as having both still in the voicemail admin module.

The wheels are entirely off the cart, here, Sangoma.

Can you attach call logs and the /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf file?

I could, but I’m not looking for a solution here. I’ve given up. We’ll fix it ourselves, even if it means deleting and recreating the extension.

My point in posting is to prevent others from being told “You’re the only one reporting this”, as I have been so often.

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Once again, no real details or data. Just blame game.

I don’t get paid to debug this software and I already said I wasn’t expecting solutions. The purpose of the post is clearly stated. If you don’t like it, move along to one you like.

Thank you!

As a reminder, specific bugs/issues with open source modules can be filed in the GitHub FreePBX issue-tracker.

For commercial module and paid support, including a ticket number in the post is kindly requested, as is posting in the appropriate commercial categories of the forums.

Maybe mark that as the solution :white_check_mark: but if you find that something else works, such as toggling the voicemail off then back on, do please share your results.

I honestly have no idea why this post was flagged. There was nothing wrong with it originally.