Extension 0 created, extension can not be changed nor deleted; FATAL ERROR on creating extension

Hey there,

My problem is, i have created an extension 0.
Now i cannot open this Extension via Extension settings nor delete it.
If i click on it, i get the Create extensions page.

I’ve read somebody had the same issue, but this issue was with IVR, unfortunatelly this doesn’t work for me… (unistalled IVR)

If i create a new SIP extension, i get this error:

Trace Back
/var/www/html/admin/modules/voicemail/functions.inc.php:761 die_freepbx()

/var/www/html/admin/modules/voicemail/functions.inc.php:669 voicemail_mailbox_add()

/var/www/html/admin/libraries/components.class.php:448 voicemail_configprocess()
[0]: extensions

/var/www/html/admin/config.php:256 component->processconfigpage()

Thank you all



I had the same problem; turns out it was caused by a permissions issue on the files in /etc/asterisk (or wherever you have your Asterisk config files). I did a chown on them to restore them to the correct permissions and then I was able to edit the extensions using the FreePBX interface.

I hope this helps someone.



Sorry, not the permissions, I meant the file ownership. The files in question had been changed to root ownership as I had edited them over SSH; the FreePBX interface could no longer edit them. I needed to set them back to being owned by asterisk.