Export CallerID Management Module Info

Hey Everyone, We have a Server that has about 400 CallerID entries.

This is starting to get out of hand, with multiple numbers for the same Customer etc.

Was wondering, is there an easy way to export the CallerID Management module?

That way i could ask the guilty parties, to audit the existing numbers before requesting a new number.

Thanks Guys!

You can pull it from mysql. I don’t have the commercial module but tables are usually modulename_purpose so

mysql asterisk


show tables;

look for something like cidmanagement_entries or something else obvious

> select * from callerid_entries;
| id | name | prefix | cidname | cidnum     | perm |
|  1 | test | *200   |         | 5554446666 | 0    |
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Thats exactly it, thanks guys!

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